Tuesday, May 30, 2017

If the plan is marginal from a wealth-building standpoint, then why are agents selling it?

This brings up an interesting issue. If the plan is marginal from a wealth-building standpoint, then why are agents selling it? 

Again, there are two reasons: 1) Most advisors have not broken down the math so they can come to a correct conclusion, which is that the plans are not worth implementing from a pure financial standpoint. 2) Some advisors know the plan is marginal from a financial standpoint and don't care because they know they can still sell it to business owners who are looking for deductions. 

The first reason is somewhat excusable (or was, before you knew the truth). The second reason is what helps gives life insurance agents a bad reputation. Clients would be better off paying tax on their money and funding a "good" EIUL policy for wealth building

It sounds crazy, but it's true. The math does not lie. Clients would be better off paying tax on their money and taking it home to buy a "good" cash accumulating policy. 

The information written by Roccy Defrancico and makes a very good point about section 79 plans.

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