Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What is a Section 79 Plan?

What is a Section 79 Plan?
A Section 79 Plan is offered under Section 79 of the Internal Revenue Code. A group-term life insurance plan which otherwise qualifies under Section 79 of the Internal Revenue Code may provide term life insurance and Permanent Benefits. Premiums paid by an employer for life insurance on behalf of an employee are deductible by the employer (provided the employer is not directly or indirectly a beneficiary of the policy), and such amounts generally constitute additional compensation to the employee which must be reported.
Under Code Section 79, a corporation can provide up to $50,000 of group-term life insurance for an employee on a tax deductible basis with no increase in the employee’s gross income. Any amount of group-term life insurance in excess of $50,000 is taxable to the employee and must be reported by the employer on the employee’s W-2 as “other compensation” as described under Code Section 6052. Any life insurance, which has a cash value, will also result in additional taxable income and must be reportedby the employer on the employee’s W-2.
Coverage must be provided under a formula based on factors such as age, years of service, compensation, or position. The amount of insurance provided an employee under such a schedule must, however, be computed under a formula which precludes individual selection.
Important: *Owner Participation
In accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, Section 79 Plan states that only “employees” may participate. The term “employees” does not include self-employed individuals or 2% shareholders of an S Corporation, LLC taxed as a Partnership or a Partnership. The Internal Revenue Service rules governing owner participation in your Section 79 Plan are as follows:
Type of Business Participation Rules
C Corporation/LLC taxed as a C Corporation: Owners, who are employees, who meet the eligibility requirements of the Plan may participate
S Corporation/Partnerships/LLP: Any employee who owns more than 2% of the stock or possesses more than 2% of the total combined voting power of all the stock cannot participate.**
Sole Proprietor: A sole proprietor cannot participate.
** Remember that, for purposes of determining ownership, the stock ownership/attribution rules provide that an individual is considered as owning the stock owned, directly or indirectly, by his or her spouse (other than a spouse who is legally separated from the individual under decree of divorce or separate maintenance), children, grandchildren, and parents.
Corporations with 10 or more employees
Must cover at least 10 employees
Group must be comprised of 85% non-key employees or cover 70% of all full time
Death benefit must be based on a formula that precludes individual selection and on
something related to employment (years of service, income, job description, location,
The penalty for being a discriminatory plan is the loss of the exclusion from income of
the cost for the first $50,000 of term insurance for key employees
Corporations with fewer than 10 employees
Coverage must be offered to all full time employees with 6 months or more of service
Coverage must be provided as a multiple of income or a flat death benefit amount, or
coverage brackets in which there is no more than 2 ½ times between coverage brackets
and 10x between top to bottom
Underwriting must be based on a non-medical questionnaire only
A note about Controlled Groups and Affiliated Service Groups
Two or more employers must be included under one Section 79 Plan if they are members of a
“controlled group” or an “affiliated service group,” as defined in the Internal Revenue Code and
related regulations. A simplified description of a controlled group of corporations is as follows:
A “parent-subsidiary” controlled group exists where there are one or more chains of subsidiary
corporations connected through ownership with a common parent and (a) 80% or more (by value
or voting power) of each corporation is owned (both directly and through option rights) by one or
more of the other corporations; and (b) the common parent owns (both directly and through
option rights) at least 80% (by value or voting power) of at least one of the other corporations. A
“brother-sister” controlled group exists where five or fewer persons own stock possessing; (a)
80% or more (by value or voting power) of each corporation; and (b) more than 50% (by value
or voting power) of each corporation when taking into account each stockholder’s interest only
to the extent that he has identical interests in each corporation. (A stockholder’s interest is only
considered for purposes of the 80% test if he owns at least some interest in each corporation in
the group.) Controlled groups and affiliated service groups can also exist among other types of
businesses, such as partnerships and sole proprietorships, in which case the determination is
made on the basis of other types of ownership interests


  1. lance wallach has never lost a case as an expert

    Lance Wallach
    38 people have you in circles

    Lance Wallach commented on a video on Youtube.
    Shared publicly - Dec 10, 2013

    "Niche" "Bisys" "Veba" "Doug Williams" "arch bonnema" "steve toth" "captive insurance" "michael sonnenberg" "ron snyder" "brian cave" "benistar" "norm bevan"
    "doug williams" " williams coulson" "dennis cunning" "phil rowe" "sadi trust" "beta plan" "millennium plan" "grist mill trust" "compass welfare benefit plan" "sea nine"
    "professional benefits trust" "integrity 419" "integrity benefit plan" "veba plan" "sterling 419" "judy carsrud"

    By Lance Wallach
    October 23, 2010

    Welfare benefit plans (419), 412i, captive insurance and Section 79 plans are under intense IRS
    scrutiny and no matter what plan you were in, you surely need help now. The IRS has been
    cracking down on 419, 412i, listed transactions and virtually all plans, making it difficult for
    anyone who has been involved with one of these plans. Listed below are some of the companies
    and names of salesmen,and others that you may recognize.

    Plan Names:
    SADI trust
    Beta plan
    Millennium plan
    Grist Mill trust
    Compass welfare benefit plan
    Sea Nine veba
    Professional Benefits Trust
    Integrity 419
    Integrity Benefit Plan
    Veba Plan
    Sterling 419

    People, law firms, etc., affiliated with plans:
    Doug Williams
    Arch Bonnema
    Steve Toth
    Michael Sonnenberg
    Ron Snyder
    Brian Cave
    Norman Bevan
    Dennis Cunning
    Williams Coulson
    Phil Rowe
    Judy Carsrud
    Michael Lloyd
    Greeberg Tarig

    If you need help getting out of a plan, redoing a plan, or reviewing a plan, we can help you.

    We have written books about the subject, given hundreds of lectures and have worked on these
    problems for many years.

    Our team includes ex-IRS agents, tax attorneys, CPAs, Erisa attorneys and others substantially
    knowledgeable about these plans.

    need help with a listed or similar plan file under 6707A to reduce IRS fines and www.taxaudit419.com to be made whole

  2. * "The CPA's Guide to Life Insurance" by
    Bisk CPEasy

    * Avoiding Circular 230 Malpractice Traps
    and Common Abusive Small Businesss Hot
    spots by the AICPA, author/moderator
    Lance Wallach

  3. Lance Wallach

    Lance Wallach, Managing Director, is the
    nation's leading expert on employee benefit plans,
    tax problem resolution and IRS audit defense.

    Mr. Wallach is a member of the AICPA faculty of
    teaching professionals & a renowned national
    expert in many court cases. He is the author of
    many best selling financial & law books, including:

    * "Wealth Preservation Planning" by the
    National Society of Accountants

    * "The CPA's Guide to Federal & Estate
    Gift Taxation" published by Bisk

    * The AICPA's "The team

  4. wallachinc@gmail.com

    The Home of Business Appraisals
    Your Valuation Consultants
    Valuation Services
    BV Company Blog
    Better Business Valuation: separating teachers & students

    ‘We wrote the books on how to value a business that other valuation companies live by! If you want to sleep soundly at night, don’t go to the students for your financial solutions, seek the teachers!’

    -Lance Wallach

    business valuations
    The Business of Business
    We cater to US-based, privately-held businesses that need an independent valuation, or third-party company appraisal services. Company valuation resources are available to you, courtesy of the age of information. Anybody could value their own business. We’re trained financial analysts and lawyers who’ve studied economic trends with the best of them. Our fair service, pricing, attention to detail, expert staff, valuation methods, and customer-focused approach make our business valuation services ultimately worth your time.

    Nationwide Business
    NSAS speaker of the year and AICPA faculty Lance Wallach is a valuations analyst. He and his certified, expert team of CPA valuation consultants service private businesses seeking appraisals or litigation support. Their valuation formula caters to nationwide business sales or purchases with revenues of $1MM to 55MM, and small business revenues from $500k to $5MM. Lance Wallach’s and his CPA consultants’ confidence is predicated on their extensive financial analyst experience in New York and the U.S. Nationwide.

  5. Business Valuations Web Site Call Lance Wallach at 516-938-5007
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    America’s Best-selling CPE Programs
    Posted on February 24, 2014 by Admin
    America’s Best-selling CPE Programs Business Valuations: What Businesses Can Gain From Them A business valuation measures the worth of a business on the open market. It analyzes the company’s management, capital structure, future earnings potential and market value of its … Continue reading →

    Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged assessment, business, business valuations, capital structure, divorce, estate, Estate Planning, Financial, lance wallach, lance wallach expert witness, retirement plans, sale merger, Tax | Leave a comment
    Chapter One Meltdown
    Posted on February 21, 2014 by Admin
    Chapter One Meltdown Muhammad Ali: “Superman don’t need no seat belt.” Airline Stewardess: “Superman don’t need no plane, neither.” The U.S. financial system meltdown has grimly scythed decades of accumulated business profit, investment and personal wealth. As we have seen, … Continue reading →

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    The Process of Business Valuation
    Posted on February 17, 2014 by Admin
    America’s Best-selling CPE Programs New BISK CPEasy™ CPE Self-Study Course Author/Moderator: Lance Wallach, CLU, CHFC, CIMC Excerpt: By Grant Webb. To become a CPA who performs business valuations means you’ve truly mastered your trade. Bisk trains … Continue reading →

    Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged assessment, business valuations, capital structure, divorce, lance wallach, lance wallach expert witness, retirement plans, sale merger | Leave a comment
    Selling your Business
    Posted on February 12, 2014 by Admin
    When it comes time to sell your business, you will need to come to the negotiating table armed with facts and support to back up your position on your company’s valuation. Focus your energies on the following areas when considering … Continue reading →

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    Be a member in good standing of the AICPA
    Posted on February 10, 2014 by Admin
    The ABV is the business valuation credential granted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). To be eligible to apply for the ABV credential, a candidate must: Be a member in good standing of the AICPA Hold a

  6. Lance Wallach helps with 419 problems. 412i 419 abusive tax shelters IRS audits, lawsuits, Lance Wallach will help www.vebaplan.com
    419, 412i, IRS audits, Lance Wallach, Google him helps, The following had something to do with this.
    Dennis Cunning Steve Toth Randall Smith Paul Kaplan Herb Green Casey Hermansen
    Larry Bell Scott Ridge Judy Carsrud Jeffrey Glasberg Herb McDowel
    Greg Roper Joseph Donnelly
    Norm Bevan Michael Sonnenberg
    r Anthony Fakouri
    Steve Burgess
    Robin Weingast
    IRS audits 419 412i captive insurance and section 79 plans. Lance Wallach will help you.

    IRS audits section 79 419 412i plans. www.lancewallach.com for help
    , IRS raids, Niche, Robin Weingast, Lance Wallach helps, Sadi trust, grist Mill trust, nova 419 welfare benefit plan problems and how Lance Wallach helps.www.vebaplan.com for more help. Sea Nine VEBA, 419, 412i, IRS audits,Sea Nine VEBA, are all audited by the IRS and people in them probably need help.
    Sea Nine VEBA, 419,412i are all IRS audit targets. Lance Wallach can help, www.tazaudit419.com
    419, 412i, IRS audits, Lance Wallach, Google him helps, The following had something to do with this. Author to write about these problems.
    Dennis Cunning Steve Toth Randall Smith Paul Kaplan Herb Green Casey Hermansen
    Larry Bell Scott Ridge Judy Carsrud Jeffrey Glasberg Herb McDowel
    Greg Roper Joseph Donnelly
    Norm Bevan Michael Sonnenberg
    Anthony Fakouri
    Steve Burgess
    Robin Weingast
    " Lance Wallach will help fix the problems that people have that are or were in the plans.
    "Professional Benefits Trust" PBI

    "Sea Nine Veba"
    The "Beta Plan"
    The "Millennium Plan"

    The "Ridge Plan"

    The "Compass Welfare Benefit Plan"
    "Section 79 Plans"
    "Captive Insurance"
    and other similar "412i retirement plans" and "419 welfare benefit plans

    Lance Wallach, www.taxaudit419.com will help you with these problems and more like section 79, captive insurance lawsuits and IRS audits. People in the section 79 plans 419 welfare benefit plans captive insurance and 412i pension plans are getting audited by the IRS and then they sue. Google Lance Wallach for help with this. If you need help Lance Wallach as an expert witness has never lost a case. You need help NOW. Google lance wallach or www.vebaplan.com for 419 412i captive insurance or section 79 audits lawsuits get your money back etc.

    Customers of James Cunningham d/b/a Cunningham Financial or CFG Consulting LLC? We want to speak with you!
    IRS audits and lawsuits result from 419 412i captive insurance and section 79 plans. As an expert witness Lance Wallach has never lost a case.

  7. HG.org

    Participate in a 419 or 412i Plan or Other Abusive Tax Shelter You Could Be Fined $200000 Per Year
    September 15, 2011 By Lance Wallach, CLU, CHFC

    Did you get a letter from the IRS threatening to impose this fine?
    If you haven’t already, you still may. Consider yourself lucky if you have not because this means that you have more time to straighten this situation out. Do not wait for this letter to come from the IRS before you call an expert to help you. Even if you have been audited already, you could still get the letter and/or fine. One has nothing to do with the other, and once the fine has been imposed, it is not able to be appealed.

    Many businesses that participated in a 412i retirement plan or the IRS is auditing a 419-welfare benefit plan. Many of these plans were not in compliance with the law and are considered abusive tax shelters. Many business owners are not even aware that the welfare benefit plan or retirement plan that they are participating in may be an abusive tax shelter and that they are in serious jeopardy of huge IRS penalties for each year that they have been in this type of plan.

    Insurance companies, CPAs, sellers of these 419 welfare benefit plans or 412i retirement plans, as well as anyone that gave tax advice or recommended participation in one or more of these plans, also known as a material advisor, is in danger of being sued, fined by the IRS, or both.

    There is help available if you think you may be involved with one of these 419 welfare benefit plans, 412i retirement plans, or any abusive tax shelter. IRS penalty abatement is an option if you act now.

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lance Wallach
    Lance Wallach, National Society of Accountants Speaker of the Year and member of the AICPA faculty of teaching professionals, is a frequent speaker on retirement plans, abusive tax shelters, financial, international tax, and estate planning. He does expert witness testimony and has never lost a case.

    The information provided herein is not intended as legal, accounting, financial or any type of advice for any specific individual or other entity. You should contact an appropriate professional for any such advice.

    Copyright Lance Wallach, CLU, CHFC
    More information about Lance Wallach, CLU, CHFC

    Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.

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    Lance Wallach helps with 419 problems. 412i 419 abusive tax shelters IRS audits, lawsuits, Lance Wallach will help www.vebaplan.com
    419, 412i, IRS audits, Lance Wallach, Google him helps, The following had something to do with this.
    Dennis Cunning Steve Toth Randall Smith Paul Kaplan Herb Green Casey Hermansen
    Larry Bell Scott Ridge Judy Carsrud Jeffrey Glasberg Herb McDowel
    Greg Roper Joseph Donnelly
    Norm Bevan Michael Sonnenberg
    r Anthony Fakouri
    Steve Burgess
    Robin Weingast
    IRS audits 419 412i captive insurance and section 79 plans. Lance Wallach will help you.

    IRS audits section 79 419 412i plans. www.lancewallach.com for help
    Benistar, IRS raids, Niche, Robin Weingast, Lance Wallach helps, Sadi trust, grist Mill trust, nova 419 welfare benefit plan problems and how Lance Wallach helps.www.vebaplan.com for more help. Sea Nine VEBA, 419, 412i, IRS audits,Sea Nine VEBA, are all audited by the IRS and people in them probably need help.
    Sea Nine VEBA, 419,412i are all IRS audit targets. Lance Wallach can help, www.tazaudit419.com
    419, 412i, IRS audits, Lance Wallach, Google him helps, The following had something to do with this. Author to write about these problems.
    Dennis Cunning Steve Toth Randall Smith Paul Kaplan Herb Green Casey Hermansen
    Larry Bell Scott Ridge Judy Carsrud Jeffrey Glasberg Herb McDowel
    Greg Roper Joseph Donnelly
    Norm Bevan Michael Sonnenberg
    Anthony Fakouri
    Steve Burgess
    Robin Weingast
    " Lance Wallach will help fix the problems that people have that are or were in the plans.
    "Professional Benefits Trust" PBI

    "Sea Nine Veba"
    The "Beta Plan"
    The "Millennium Plan"

    The "Ridge Plan"

    The "Compass Welfare Benefit Plan"
    "Section 79 Plans"
    "Captive Insurance"
    and other similar "412i retirement plans" and "419 welfare benefit plans

    Lance Wallach, www.taxaudit419.com will help you with these problems and more like section 79, captive insurance lawsuits and IRS audits. People in the section 79 plans 419 welfare benefit plans captive insurance and 412i pension plans are getting audited by the IRS and then they sue. Google Lance Wallach for help with this. If you need help Lance Wallach as an expert witness has never lost a case. You need help NOW.

    Customers of James Cunningham d/b/a Cunningham Financial or CFG Consulting LLC? We want to speak with you!
    IRS audits and lawsuits result from 419 412i captive insurance and section 79 plans. As an expert witness Lance Wallach has never lost a case.
